Asphalt Paving or Sealcoating —What Is the Most Cost-Effective? houston paving contractorAs a paving material, asphalt is well-suited for a variety of pavements in and around the Houston metropolitan area. A well-built asphalt pavement can rebound after being subjected to traffic, flex with temperature changes, and, if properly maintained, shrug off the frequent downpours the area receives. Asphalt pavements offer rapid installation at an economical cost. As pavements age, however, many people wonder whether sealcoating is more cost-effective than asphalt paving. Typically, these people are asking the wrong question.

Asphalt Paving or Sealcoating – What Is the Most Cost-Effective?

Why Is Asking Whether Sealcoating Is More Cost-Effective Than Asphalt Paving the Wrong Question?

Sealcoating and paving are two very different procedures that are used to address very different issues. When you sealcoat a pavement, you protect it from the sun, vehicle fluids, and other influences that can damage the pavement. You are simultaneously providing a cosmetic treatment that will refresh the pavement’s color and conceal minor surface imperfections. It is extremely cost-effective to have your Houston paving contractor sealcoat your asphalt pavement as part of a proactive maintenance program. On the other hand, if you need the services of an asphalt paving company, your pavement has likely already suffered damage that is far beyond the abilities of a sealcoat to rectify.

When Should I Consider Asphalt Paving Instead of Asphalt Sealcoating?

It is important to remember that no reputable asphalt contractor will apply a sealcoat until cracks and other breaks in the pavement have been repaired. This includes areas of alligator cracking. If your pavement has extensive alligator cracking, you will typically need a paving company to remove and replace the affected areas. Suppose your pavement is showing its age, has numerous repairs that are affecting its aesthetics, or shows signs of pavement distress. In that case, you might want to consider having an asphalt contractor install an overlay. However, overlays require a foundation that is in relatively stable condition. If your foundation has severe and widespread damage, a reconstruction might be more cost-effective than an overlay.

Should I Have My Contractor Sealcoat My Asphalt Overlay?

An overlay has virtually the same needs as a new asphalt pavement, so it should definitely be sealed within 12 months of its installation. The application will need to be repeated periodically. Although your contractor may recommend a different schedule, the normal interval is about every two years. You also want to ensure that any cracks that develop in your overlay are repaired promptly, and you want to keep your overlay clean by removing oil spills, trash, dead leaves, and grass clippings.

If You Are Unsure of the Service You Need, Contact Marathon Solutions Group

Marathon Solutions Group is a well-respected, experienced Houston paving contractor offering a wide variety of services. Our services include asphalt overlays and paving, parking lot striping, asphalt sealcoating, concrete repair, parking lot signs, asphalt milling, bollard installation, concrete installation, asphalt crack repair, and thermoplastic markings. We delivery exemplary service and extraordinary workmanship at reasonable prices. If you would like for us to provide you with a free quote, fill out the online form, call 800-879-1147, or email